Was there anybody cooler than Bob Dylan in 1965 and 1966? The waif-like presence with that unkempt crown of curls. The combination of Carnaby Street polka dot shirts, Beatle boots and New York leather jacket toughness. Eyes often masked by dark shades. Many photographers brilliantly captured the Dylan aura during this time, most notably DanielContinue reading “SCHATZBERG’S SCARECROWS”


1959 Plan 9 from Outer Space 1960 Psycho 1961 The Hustler 1962 Cape Fear 1963 The Birds 1964 A Hard Day’s Night 1965 The Collector 1966 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1967 Bonnie and Clyde 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey 1969 Midnight Cowboy 1970 Five Easy Pieces 1971 French Connection 1972 The Godfather 1973 ScarecrowContinue reading “FAVORITE FILMS BY YEAR”

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